Sunday, August 30, 2015

Unleash the power of Creative Book Builder (4): Multiple output format

After you complete the content of the book, CBB offers different format for your book:

CBB can generate EPUB format for re-flowable or fixed layout books. CBB supports most features of EPUB.

More information can be found here:

HTML5 book is a mini HTML5 app that consists of one master page (index.html), some full screen pages and some resources (e.g. videos, photos, javascript files). It can be viewed using any browsers on any platforms because file format is standard HTML5 format. Therefore, any embed codes should work.

More information can be found here:

Besides EPUB, you can export your book into PDF format for printing purpose or send PDF to others who do not have EPUB readers installed in device.

Usually you may include audio recording, song and video to your book. You have an option to share these via Podcast.

More information about Podcast Generation can be found here:

This option allows you to combine all audio files into one audio as great audiobook.

This option is supported for Fixed Layout books only. You can add any content on each page and add audio as well. When the book is converted into video, page content will be shown and particular audio on that page will be played at the same time. After the audio finishes playing, another page will be shown and another audio will be played until all the pages are shown. It works like a slideshow.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Podcast Generation

One of nice feature introduced in version 3.3 is: Podcast Generation.

When your book contains audio or video in each page and you want to reuse content, you can publish book as Podcast. The book information is shown as podcast's information. The cover image becomes podcast's cover. The first audio or video in each page becomes podcast's item. You can add title and description to audio or video and those information will become the title and description of podcast's item.

How to generate Podcast

  1. Tap Publish button, and then select Podcast
  2. Tap Preview Podcast button to view your podcast's items
  3. Tap Upload to Google Drive (Hosting) button to upload necessary files to Google Drive for web hosting
  4. Tap Go to Podcast button to subscribe that podcast to your podcast app
  5. Tap Email Podcast button to send podcast link to your subscribers

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Introducing HTML5 Books

What are the problems of EPUB?

Did you try to add Google Forms to ebooks? Did you try to add embedded widgets from internet to ebooks, e.g. YouTube video, games, Twitter posts, Facebook posts ? None of them is possible because EPUB readers did not support them.

Are you being rejected when you submit book with embedded video to Apple?

Did your book contain a lot of videos and photos to make the book size too large?

Did other people say that they cannot view your books because they did not have iPad or did not install EPUB readers on their devices?

Now, we have a solution: HTML5 book !!!

What is HTML5 book?

HTML5 book is a mini HTML5 app that consists of one master page (index.html), some full screen pages and some resources (e.g. videos, photos, javascript files). It can be viewed using any browsers on any platforms because file format is standard HTML5 format. Therefore, any embed codes should work.

HTML5 book looks like a reader embedded in the browser.
  • When the book is launched using browser, book cover is shown.
  • There is a navigation bar on the top, a previous page button on the left, and a next page button on the right.  When you tap next page button, it will turn to next page, tap previous page button, it will turn to previous page. 
  • When you tap TOC button, it will switch to Table of contents. You can jump to any page from here. 
  • When you tap Resume button, it will switch back to the book.
  • By default, two-pages (left page and right page) are shown each time. When the screen size is not enough, one page is shown instead. When you resize the window or rotate the device, the book will be automatically resized to fit into the window. 
  • Tap any part of the page, navigation bar, previous page button and next page button will be hidden. Tap again, they will be shown again.
  • If you choose to host your book in Google Drive or other web servers, you can just simply share the link to anyone. Your readers can view your book without any installation of EPUB readers.
  • If you choose to generate zip version of HTML5 book, you can just simply send zip file to anyone. Your readers simply unzip the file and then tap master page (index.html) to get started.

How can I generate HTML5 book?

When you are editing HTML5 book, you can now add embed codes and iframe element that are not supported in EPUB.
  • You can copy any embed codes from anywhere, and paste them into your books using HTML elements, e.g. Google Forms, SlideShare, Haiku Deck, etc.
  • There is a new category called "HTML5 Book Widget". You can also add embed codes from that category. 
  • YouTube and Vimeo elements are converted to embed code for HTML5 Book automatically.
After you finish your book,
  • Tap Publish button. There is a new option called "HTML5". Select "HTML5".
  • Tap Generate HTML5 Book button to start generation process.
  • Tap Upload to Google Drive (Hosting) button to upload the book to Google Drive for web hosting.
  • Tap Generate ZIP file button to generate zip version of HTML5 book. You can unzip the file and upload all the extracted files to your favorite web server for hosting or just send zip file to others for offline browsing.

Here are some examples:

Getting Started (Classic Book)

Getting Started (Fixed Layout Book)

Creative Book Builder v3.3

New features:

1. Introduce HTML5 Book: New way to publish your book for anyone to read in any browser on any platform

2. Convert book to Podcast: One video/audio in each page

3. Integrate with Box

4. Insert embed html or iframe element into HTML5 Book

5. Create 360 degree image slider (fixed layout book only)

6. Support panorama image

7. Allow more than one slideshow on the same page

8. Indicate position and size when moving or resizing element in fixed layout

9. Photo Picker Enhancement: group by day, month, year, size, and orientation

10. Add True & False Question quickly

11. Option to overwrite file when uploading to Google Drive