Saturday, November 19, 2016

No More Missing Books

You may have created a lot of books on Creative Book Builder app. Previously, if you delete the books accidentally, the books cannot be recovered unless you have backups on google drive or dropbox.

Sometimes, you would like to edit books on both iPad and iPhone at the same time. Previously, you need to export book from one device and import book into another device manually.

From version 3.7, we have a better solution: iCloud Synchronization & Deleted Books:

1. If you have signed in to iCloud on the device, you can create new book by turning on Synchronized with iCloud. You can edit the synchronized books on every device that you have signed in to iCloud using the same account. (iCloud Drive is a different thing)

2. In order to avoid the heavy network traffic, all synchronized book will be updated to iCloud only when new version is being generated. Make sure that you have generated book by tapping Generate Book or Re-generate Book.

3. Synchronization with iCloud can be turned on or off in Publish Book interface. Turning off synchronization with iCloud will delete the book from iCloud.

4. When you delete books in Device section, those books are moved to Deleted Books first. You can tap the title on top navigation bar and select delete icon to view the deleted books. You can delete books permanently, restore books or even empty Deleted Books.

5. When you delete books in Cloud section, you can choose to delete books everywhere or or from iCloud only. When synchronization happens in other device, the books that deleted from iCloud will be moved to Deleted Books.

6. No books are deleted permanently during iCloud Synchronization. All books that are deleted from iCloud will appear in Deleted Books.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Creative Book Builder v3.7

New features:

1. Quick add multiple footnotes at one time

2. Quick add multiple glossary items at one time

3. Synchronize books with iCloud

4. Deleted books can be restored until the books are deleted permanently

5. Import multiple HTML5 book zip files

6. Keep cover image's structure when exporting and importing EPUB

7. Support more fonts

8. Bug fix